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Peace and Joy 505

Feb 23, 2022

This episode features some new AI friends presenting parts of the show and comments about our Presidents in honor of U.S. President’s Day.   This a shout out to Galileo who got the science right and still got treated badly.  So we need to think twice according. To this 222 podcast. 

Feb 20, 2022

This episode has book reviews, analysis of goals  and resolutions and some ideas about the imortance of every day. 

Feb 6, 2022

Sometimes we have to relax and ask why we forecast the apocalypse  when talking about. Weather, other things we can’t control etc.  Also why don’t we ever have a breaking “good news” alert?  This episode  shines a light on such things 

Feb 2, 2022

Pondering the dictionary may also be a way to understand life and relationships and meanings this episode provides some insights and some perspectives